According to ESPN.com today, there is a report that Brian McNamee could've been a Mets coach in 2007. However, General Manager Omar Minaya decided against it.
Before the Roger Clemens steroid scandal came to, Mets manager Willy Randolph and hitting coach at the time Rick Down both supported the idea. However, when it was brought to Minaya, he was skeptical.
"I went to Willie and Willie went to Omar, and it was nixed," Down said Tuesday, according to the New York Post. "I think it was nixed because of the Tampa incident [in which McNamee was questioned by St. Petersburg police, but never charged, in connection with an alleged rape]. There really wasn't much further discussion on it. The Mets didn't want adverse publicity, and in retrospect they were right." (ESPN.com)
Minaya, in his time with the Mets, has made some blockbuster deals. This is one I think he would've regretted.
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